Sedum rupestre f. cristata is an unusual crested form of Sedum Ruprestre that develops into large brain like clusters to 20cm across. It Is relatively slow growing, does not like to be overwatered, and can be kept dry for long periods. Water only when completely dry and showing signs of stress.
This plant will rot if overwatered, but can be saved if you catch it quick enough. Just cut off the healthy growth, allow to callous and then place on a tray of potting mix. Never plant in the medium. Does best laying on top. It forms roots quickly even putting out areal roots on a growing plant but again never plant just lay on top of mix to propagate.
Grows well in full sun to partial shade but protection from the hot afternoon summer sun is advised as it will burn when dry.
Sometimes this plant will produce thin growth stems. These are reversions to the original form and should be cut off to maintain the desired crested form.
Sedum rupestre f. cristata plants for sale shown in 70mm pot. You will receive same or similar plants to those shown in images 2 onwards. Image one for display only.
First time customers... Please read our Shipping Guide, in top or bottom menu, before placing your order.
Please Note:
- All plants are sent bare rooted with no pots and soil, or minimum soil only.
- Due to the drying process necessary for sending plants through the mail, plants may look slightly different than images shown on our website
- Some plants, may look wrinkled when they arrive, may be somewhat limp, or soft to the touch. This is normal as they have been dried out for for a number of days before shipping to avoid rotting in the mail.
- Succulents are very hardy plants and they will recover quickly, providing you unpack them as soon as you receive them follow some simple care instructions you will find with your order.
If you have any questions or concerns at all, please message us via our Facebook page at John & Norma's Succulents for the fastest Response.